Problem Renishaw MP7 probe optical receiver

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Thread: Renishaw MP7 probe optical receiver

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2018
    United Kingdom

    Default Renishaw MP7 probe optical receiver

    Just bought a Renishaw MP7 probe at auction and it is without the optical receiver. Nearly fell off my stool at the price of a new one.

    Is there any way I can read the optical signals without spending loads of money?

    I could always access the head directly and make a cable connection which was my intention when purchasing but the contact electronics looks well made - shame to waste.

    If i cant access the optical signal is there any post processing circuits available to clean up the raw head signals and give a clean digital output?

    Any other solutions?


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  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2016
    United States

    Default Re: Renishaw MP7 probe optical receiver

    HI v8kid...You want a cable connection while the probe is loaded in the spindle? What about when it's in the tool changer? Good luck with all that.

    I admit to not having a clue about your history or experience in machining, but I'll remind you of how CNC machining is one of the most expensive businesses and/or hobbies out there. Few ways to get around that. Better get used to it. :-) That is unless you have endless amounts of time to mess around with things.

    EBay is your friend. Plenty of used probe stuff there. Don't forget that as well as the receiver, you're going to need the Mi12 or OMI Interface (or similar legacy stuff) to supply the Skip Signal to your control. Hopefully your control already has a Skip input.

    Sure... it hurts the wallet to add probing to your machine, but once you have it up and running, you'll soon forget about the costs and be happy with your new functionality. My point being that it will seem worth it.

    Wait until you have to shell out something around $1250 American for the probing software. Yikes! Though I do think there are cheaper ways to get probing programs. I believe some people make their own.

    Good luck with whatever route you take. I guess my "solution" is to quit messing around find it used for cheap. It's worth it. (Except for the $$ software, that's what I did.)

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2018
    United Kingdom

    Default Re: Renishaw MP7 probe optical receiver

    Quote Originally Posted by the_gentlegiant View Post
    HI v8kid...You want a cable connection while the probe is loaded in the spindle? What about when it's in the tool changer? Good luck with all that.

    I admit to not having a clue about your history or experience in machining, but I'll remind you of how CNC machining is one of the most expensive businesses and/or hobbies out there. Few ways to get around that. Better get used to it. :-) That is unless you have endless amounts of time to mess around with things.

    EBay is your friend. Plenty of used probe stuff there. Don't forget that as well as the receiver, you're going to need the Mi12 or OMI Interface (or similar legacy stuff) to supply the Skip Signal to your control. Hopefully your control already has a Skip input.

    Sure... it hurts the wallet to add probing to your machine, but once you have it up and running, you'll soon forget about the costs and be happy with your new functionality. My point being that it will seem worth it.

    Wait until you have to shell out something around $1250 American for the probing software. Yikes! Though I do think there are cheaper ways to get probing programs. I believe some people make their own.

    Good luck with whatever route you take. I guess my "solution" is to quit messing around find it used for cheap. It's worth it. (Except for the $$ software, that's what I did.)
    Thanks gentlegiant I have taken your comments to heart and in case my experiences may be of use to others herethey are:-

    Firstly I bought a couple of Rennishaw probes off eBay and discovered there is a reason why these are for sale - they were disfunctional. It seems to be a common problem that the diaphram that keeps coolant out of the mechanism deteriorates and fragments. These tiny particles of plastic can intermittently block the contacts and the probe fails to trigger often with terminal results.

    Fortunately a repair is possible although Rennishaw have a very commercial view of obsolete products - discouraging repairs outside their network. Now at this point some might say hang on there are 2 diaphrams but the ones I bought only had one (damaged) one left no doubt due to their age.

    Google and youtube were my friends and one baby bottle teat now substitutes fior the $100 genuine item and WD40 for the semiconductive mineral oil rennishaw use.

    WRT cable and toolchangers Rennishaw have solutions in their excellent wiring diagrams.

    I still need to crack the initial issue and that is the signal conditioning to connect to my PLC as it is not so easy for me to repair the Rennishaw (or any other) electronics. If I knew the coding used I could replicate it with an arduino but im not there yet - any info on the triggering currents and cycle times would be gratefully received.

    Finally my background I'm an Electrical Engineer to trade and laterly, after going to university at 60, an Experimental Physicist specialising in plasma technology applied to thin films.

    My interest is hobby/development work on bearing assemblies.

    Thanks again for your comments which sent me on an interesting voyage of discovery

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